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BC PNP Latest Draw Results Nov 28, 2022: Nearly 336 Invitations

By 30 November 2022April 8th, 2024No Comments

On November 28, 2022, British Columbia held the latest BC PNP Draw, issued nearly 336 invitations under the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BCPNP), and invited qualified Skills Immigration candidates.

In the latest BC PNP Draw’s general category, the province invited 253 candidates. The minimum score for candidates invited to this draw was 82-105 points.

Following the previous trends, candidates got invitations under BC PNP through general and targeted draws for in-demand occupations and professions, including Express Entry BC. The candidates selected are from the following categories:

  • BC PNP Skilled Worker
  • BC PNP International Graduate
  • BC PNP Entry Level and Semi-Skilled
  • EEBC Skilled Worker
  • EEBC International Graduate
  • EEBC Entry Level and Semi-Skilled

In addition, British Columbia invited 49 candidates under the childcare-targeted draw for early childhood educators (NOC TEER 42202). In the Healthcare-targeted draw, BC invited 24 candidates. Additionally, fewer than five invitations have been issued for Healthcare assistants (NOC TEER 33102) and fewer than five ITAs for other priority occupations with NOC TEER Codes 31103 and 32104.

In 2022, British Columbia issued 8,425 invitations under the British Columbia PNP streams.

BC PNP Latest Draw: General Category

BC issued 253 invitations with minimum SIRS scores between 82-105 depending on the pathways. The minimum scores for the individual categories are mentioned below:

Date Number of
Stream Minimum
November 28, 2022 253 BC PNP Skilled Worker 105 General draw
(includes tech occupations)
Express Entry BC Skilled Worker 105
International Graduate 105
Express Entry BC International Graduate 105
Entry Level and Semi-Skilled Category (ELSS) 82

BC PNP Latest Targeted Draw

In recent months, BC has held targeted draws for applicants who satisfy basic standards under particular National Occupational Classifications (NOCs), such as healthcare and technology, that are in demand.

Targeted draws might not need as high SIRS scores as general draws. This week, each targeted category needed SIRS scores of 60. BC invited the following amount of applicants to their targeted draws:

Number of Invitations Category Minimum Score Description/ Targeted Draw NOC TEER Code
32 Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option) 60 Childcare: Early childhood educators and assistants 42202
13 Skilled Worker, International Graduate, Entry Level and Semi-Skilled (includes EEBC option) 60 Healthcare
<5 Entry Level and Semi-Skilled 60 Healthcare: Healthcare assistants 33102
<5 Skilled Worker, International Graduate (includes EEBC option) 60 Other priority occupations 31103, 32104
BC PNP Draw Today

Get Additional 600 CRS Points through BC PNP

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BC PNP Skills Immigration Categories

British Columbia has innovative immigration policies that draw in highly qualified professionals worldwide. Typically, these initiatives fall under the BC PNP Skills Immigration Stream. Various programs under this stream are as follows:

What is Express Entry BC Stream?

British Columbia occasionally searches the IRCC’s Express Entry pool for candidates who might qualify for one of the province’s Express Entry BC Streams. The province regularly chooses and welcomes foreign workers, students, and entrepreneurs through this programme to assist government initiatives, address labour market needs, and strengthen the province’s economy. Candidates can get additional 600 CRS points through the EEBC stream.

Need help?

You may get excellent immigration advice from Team ELAAR’s experienced immigration experts while you proceed through the BC PNP process. Mr. Keshav Sharma is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) with knowledge of all immigration matters.

Book a Consultation with an Expert RCIC Now

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